Due to Covid19, our music program is currently on hold. When it is safe to do so, we will begin the following opportunities. In addition we will have a chime choir.
At St. Paul we have a children's choir called The Praisemakers which rehearses on Sunday morning sometime during the Sunday school hour and sings for the worship services about once a month during the school year. The Sunday School program also traditionally sings for the Christmas Eve Service.
We also have an adult choir which rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM throughout most of the year and participates in the worship services by singing anthems, hymns and liturgy during worship services about 2-3 times a month. Try outs are not required, anyone interested in singing merely needs to speak with Dcs. Janet Nicol.
St. Paul also likes to encourage participation in services from anyone who has some accomplishment on an instrument. We have several who participate with brass, string and woodwind instruments, especially for special services such as Christmas, Easter and Reformation. Again, try-outs are unnecessary, simply speak with our organist, Elena Pfeiffer.
We occasionally have special events like the Concordia Lutheran High School Band Concert below on Friday, March 21.