LYF - Lutheran Youth Fellowship. LYF is an organization for young people of confirmation age through high school.
VBS - Vacation Bible School is a 5 day event every summer with a Biblical Theme. A Bible lesson related to the theme is taught everyday. A lesson related craft is done and a snack provided at the end of the lesson.
Ladies Aid - Ladies Aid is a service organization of which every lady in the church is a member. Ladies Aid provides support within the church through it's individual committees.
Grief Share - A support group for anyone who has lost someone close to them. Issues facing the grieving are discussed at each meeting.
Dart Ball - A dart game played on a board that resembles a baseball diamond and rules loosely similar to baseball. Dartball provides an opportunity for the men of St. Paul and other Lutheran Churches in the community for Christian Fellowship. It is played on Thursday evening in the fall/winter.
Music - At St. Paul we have a children's choir called The Praisemakers which rehearses on Sunday morning sometime during the Sunday school hour and sings for the worship services about once a month during the school year. The Sunday School program also traditionally sings for the Christmas Eve Service.
Outreach Commitee - A group that works to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the community. The Outreach committee has appeared at various events in the community, i.e. Plain City Christmas Under the Clock, Steam Threshers, Fourth of July parade, Milford Center Christmas parade, etc...